Kristen Connor

Kristen Connor

Relationship Banking Team Leader


1201 Northeast Lloyd Boulevard, Suite 290
Portland, OR 97232


  • Commercial Banking
  • Nonprofits
  • Legal
  • Corporate Sustainability
  • Education
About Kristen Connor
Relationship Banking Team Leader
Kristen is the community impact officer and specializes in serving some of the region’s leading organizations whose missions focus on a broad range of sustainability and social justice issues as well as nonprofits and legal professionals. Her experience in this space helped launch the Heritage Helps Committee that’s focused on employee volunteer efforts and corporate giving priorities. Active in the community, Kristen serves as the board treasurer for the Oregon Law Foundation and is on the Finance Committee for Business for a Better Portland. She is also a founder and steering committee member of the Corporate Sustainability Collaborative. Her ideal day would be spending time outdoors with her family.

Maximize the Financial Success of Your Business

Banking Business magazine cover and article.

Banking Business Magazine

A magazine for your business banking needs. Protect and grow your business as you navigate an ever-changing financial landscape. Banking Business is a free quarterly publication of Heritage Bank. As your banking partner, we are here to empower you with news and information to help you make more effective banking decisions.

About Heritage Bank

Heritage Bank serves customers like you. Your neighbors. The couple who owns the storefront across town. The customers we serve bring their unique heritage—and unique needs—to our bank.

To help our customers achieve their goals, we offer a complete array of banking services and tools for businesses as well as individuals. Our focus is on our communities: helping customers in our local markets build their heritage.